WS Facilitation Guide cover 0

Workshop Facilitation Guide

Created by the EU Islands Secretariat. The purpose of this guide is to help you prepare and carry out energy transition workshops in island communities.

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Financing models for Solar PV projects

The goal of the PV Financing project is to help stakeholders from specific application segments with the implementation of PV projects based on new PV busi

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Financial Handbook for REScoops

Financing a REScoop depends mostly on the type of project planned: its size, the type of technology used and the type of activity (whether it produces, sup

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Guide for Stakeholder Management

REScoops have a clear concern for the community, and take into account the interests of a wide range of stakeholders. They face the challenge of engaging c

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LICHT group

The LICHT approach has successfully developed a methodology for mobilising citizens which helps them to take action at the local level and take up an active role i

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What is the ECCO project about?

ECCO in a European Union funded Interreg North-West Europe project running up to September 2020.

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Guide to community energy strategic planning

This guide introduces the community energy strategic plan (CESP) approach, a step-by-step process for creating a robust strategic energy plan for your gove

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