Brussels, 08/12/2017 – Yesterday, the European Parliament’s Industry and Environment Committee (ITRE) voted on the future Governance of the EU Energy Union Regulation, which will create a policy framework for the zero carbon economy by 2050. welcomes the decision of MEP’s to advocate for increasing the long-term climate and energy targets, including the share of renewables produced by renewable energy communities, cities and self-consumers. The design of the new governance regulation also provides a clear framework to guarantee that the 2030 energy targets will be reached. If Member States do not deliver on their 2030 climate and energy commitments, the legislation provides a strong ‘gap filler’, a toolbox to identify and finance European Renewable Energy projects.

Another positive signal given by the committee is the approval of a framework for Energy Poverty. The issue of energy poverty will be addressed by introducing planning and reporting obligations for Member States, in order to reduce the number of citizens affected by energy poverty.

Each Member State will need to establish a permanent climate and energy dialogue platform with civil society in a way that it allows citizens and local authorities to be involved in the development of national energy and climate policies. believes that public participation in the development of these national plans is essential to support the role of citizens in the energy transition.

On 18 December 2017, the Energy Council will decide on its position with regard to the Governance Regulation. We hope Member States will work with the European Parliament and take this opportunity to put the European citizens and communities at the core of an ambitious Energy Transition.

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About is the European federation of renewable energy cooperatives. We are a growing network of 1.500 European energy cooperatives and the 1.000.000 citizens who are active in the energy transition. empowers citizens and cooperatives in their fight for energy democracy.


Sara Tachelet – Communications Officer
+32 4 93 400 935 |