is delighted to welcome three new members to her network. We strongly believe that by growing our network, we make sure the voices of citizens and their communities are better heard in the energy sector. Below you can find an overview of our new members.

Solarity Renewable Energy Community

Solarity Renewable Energy Community is a cooperative established in July 2023 in Athens, Greece. The community, whose name comes from the combination of the words 'solar' and 'solidarity', aims to produce clean energy without harming the natural environment, and distribute it cheaply and fairly, focusing on people and not on financial profit.

Their first project is to build a 400 kWp solar park and share the energy produced with its 64 members through a virtual net metering scheme, while sharing a small percentage for a public purpose. They have already received the connection authorisation from the network operator for this project and they are preparing the application for a second installation.

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Solarity REC

Association for Belica Community Development

Association for Belica Community Development is an NGO from the village of Belica, North Macedonia, that works on renewable energy, energy efficiency, eco-tourism, environmental protection, restoration, education and cultural events. The organisation, which has over 300 members, is preparing the installation of a 20kWp PV system in the village. Moreover, they are creating a national community energy association together with other Macedonian energy communities to share advocacy efforts at a national level.

Association for Belica Community Development


Focus is a Slovenian association for sustainable development that is committed to promoting comprehensive socioeconomic changes towards a decent life within planetary boundaries. Through their work and example, they want to show that each of us can be environmentally and socially responsible. Their activities focus on climate change, energy, sustainable mobility, global responsibility, ethical consumption and degrowth.

Moreover, Focus is also a member and co-founder of the energy cooperative Zeleni Hrastnik. This cooperative has installed solar PV panels on the roof of an elementary school in the municipality of Hrastnik. The installation, which has a production capacity of 300 kW, will supply energy to 15 households, three public buildings and two local businesses.

Focus logo

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