is delighted to welcome a new member and a new supporter to its network! By growing our network, we can further amplify the voices of citizens and their communities in the energy sector. Meet DEEL, our new member, and Re-set, our new supporter!

DEEL coöperatie

DEEL is a cooperative from the Netherlands founded in 2019. They support residents in setting up local cooperatives to share their cars, start reclaiming public space and live more sustainably.

DEEL brings together seven cooperatives that collectively represent around 350 households. They support car-sharing cooperatives with tools, knowledge-sharing and representation. DEEL will soon join The Mobility Factory, a European Network of local, sustainable mobility cooperatives that mutualise the overhead costs, and together, offer unique services to our members.

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New member template network map DEEL

Re-set Platform for social-ecological transformation

Re-set is an association based in Czechia working to achieve a social-ecological transformation towards a new economic model. Re-set operates from the belief that systemic change cannot happen without the broad participation of the people, and supports social movements and initiatives seeking changes for the better in all areas of life.

Their areas of work include climate justice, affordable and sustainable housing, and informal education to empower communities and activists. Re-set is currently setting up an energy community in Northern Bohemia, with an emphasis on participation of vulnerable groups.

Follow Re-set on social media:
