In the beginning of February 2021, the European Commission launched a new phase of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat. In this second phase, the Secretariat will build on the results of Phase I to continue its support to energy transition of islands in the EU. Over the next two years, the Secretariat will match bottom-up initiatives with expert support leading to a pipeline of clean energy projects on the islands.

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The central methodology to make this happen is based on Explore, Shape & Act. Many islands in the EU are ready to act. The Secretariat will assist them to tender and find financing for their energy projects. Others are ready to move beyond their transition agendas and energy strategies towards design and implementation. The Secretariat will support them to shape their plans and projects. Others are yet to start the reflection and engage the community. The Secretariat will guide them to build a local coalition and define their transition strategy. This action-oriented approach will guide EU islands to reach the next phase of their clean energy transition, such that islands that are exploring now, will be acting tomorrow.

A short summary of the Secretariat’s activities can be found below:

  • Through the Clean Energy for EU Islands Pledge, islands can sign up for the initiative and show the rest of the EU Island community their ambitions;
  • Workshops are organised as Energy Academies that engage island communities to act at the local level and take up an active role in energy transition projects on their island;
  • Call for Projects - starting in spring 2021 a call for projects will be launched. Island stakeholders can submit a description of their project to receive technical assistance;
  • Tailored technical assistance helps islands to tackle energy issues in a multidisciplinary way and supports them to coherently break through technical, social, financial, juridical and policy barriers. Support is given to transition agendas, action plans and individual projects;
  • The Islands Marketplace effectively facilitates and provides financing to energy projects on islands by matching island communities with investors and technology providers;
  • Stakeholders from different levels of governance are brought together in an Islands Think Tank to discuss legal and regulatory barriers for clean energy on islands. This leads to concrete solutions that will overcome the existing barriers;
  • The EU Islands website disseminates the success stories and challenges of islands to the EU community and builds a European network of island stakeholders;
  • The EU Island Days, the initiative’s annual two-day forum, will increase the visibility of the islands and match island needs with available solutions.
EU Islands

The Secretariat is operated by a consortium that brings together expertise from across the EU:

  • 3E, Belgium – Coordinator and technical advisory
  • Th!nk E, Belgium – Legislation and regulation for islands
  • Steinbeis 2i, Germany – The communication team
  • DNV GL, Netherlands – Website specialists
  • RdA, Portugal – The finance team
  •, Belgium – Capacity building workshops
  • Eclareon, Germany – State of play inventory of legislation and regulation

The Secretariat is supported by a network of regional partners to ensure a strong local connection and regional coordination of its activities.

  • Samsø Energy Academy, Denmark
  • Center For Renewable Energy Sources (CRES), Greece
  • Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain
  • Politecnico di Torino, Italy
  • Island Movement, Croatia
  • INESC TEC, Portugal