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by Bündnis Bürgerenergie e.V.

The EUCENA partners cordially invite you to the opening ceremony of the very first EUCENA MOOC, the European Citizen Energy Academy Massive Open Online Course, RENEWABLE ENERGY MADE EASY.

We, the German Citizen Energy Alliance BBEn - along with our partners, Women in Europe for a Common Future WECF Germany, the Greek Electra Energy, and Milieukontakt Albania - have worked hard to make our knowledge available to as many people as possible.

You and your group can learn for free, at your own pace and gain an insider’s view of energy cooperatives, NGOs and other organisations, all engaged in solar and wind energy production and shared mobility. Most organisations are based in Germany but we will have several examples from other countries in Europe as well.

Discover our work in numerous in-depth EUCENA courses, featuring a variety of different topics related to community energy. Enjoy the videos that a variety of experts and practitioners have prepared for you, and afterwards, enter into discussion with the people featured in the clips, as well as other learners on the same path.

Each topic features a discussion platform, allowing you to network with peers, both near and far, and to help each other, discuss problems, and of course, celebrate success.

However, life wouldn’t be so sweet if all the answers were handed to you on a plate. We want to challenge all of our learners to participate in the EUCENA RENEWABLE ENERGY MADE EASY Certificate. While we promise not to torture you too much, the course does involve a series of tests. Help is available, where needed, to those who wish to become certified. And once you’ve successfully completed the course, why not shout about it on the social media platforms you choose to use?

Join us for the opening ceremony of the EUCNEA MOOC on February 17, 2021 at noon CET!

Let’s go solar, let’s go renewable together!

This project is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)